國外學生入學申請篇 (Q&A for foreign students)
1. Q:何為外籍生? (Who is eligible for identifying as a foreign student?)
A: 指為具有僑生身分且不具中華民國國籍。
The term “international students” as used in CHNA shall mean students of foreign nationality, neither overseas Chinese nor ROC nationals, who apply to study in Taiwan.
Those who have had dual nationality combining ROC nationality and foreign nationality may not apply for admission for eight years after the date on which their RIC nationality is revoked by approval of the Ministry of the Interior.
2. Q:申請入學有限制嗎? (Any restriction on applying Admission as a foreign student?)
A: 外國學生經入學大專校院退學者,不得再申請入學。
An international student who withdraws from CHNA after admission may not thereafter apply again for admission.
3. Q:申請入學時間有限制嗎?(What is the deadline for submitting the application form?)
A: 申請入學本校之申請期限為每年二月一日起至三月三十一日止,並以申請一系(所)為限。
Applications shall be submitted from February 1 to March 31 each year, and every applicant is restricted to apply for only one academic department or graduate school.
4. Q: 申請入學需要哪些文件呢?(What documents should the applicant prepare for submission?)
A: (1) 入學申請表 (於國合組網站下載)
(2) 最高學歷之國外學校畢業證書(附公證之文或英文翻譯本),及該學程之全部成績英譯本。
International students applying for admissions to CHNA shall submit the following documents via registered mail to the International Relations Division, the Office of Research and Development at CHNA:
(1) Application form
(2) Photocopy of the graduation certificate from the highest foreign educational institution completed (in Chinese or English translation), and an English translation of the transcript of the student’s entire course work at that institution.
(3) Two letters of recommendation (one of them shall be supplied by teacher of Chinese language).
(4) Health certificate (including an HIV test)
(5) Study plan in Chinese or English
(6) Financial statement (proof of sufficient funds for studying in the ROC).
(7) Other documents as required by the academic department or graduate school.
5. 5. Q: 甄選小組有哪些人?(Who are members of the Committee of International Students Admission?) A: 由教務長擔任招集人,小組委員包括各相關學院院長、系(所)主任(所長)、
The Committee of International Students Admission is convoked by the Director of Academic Affairs Office. The Committee members include Deans of all Colleges, Chairs of all Departments, Director of Student Affairs Office, Director of the Office of Research and Development, Director of Student Health Center, Director of Recruiting Office, and Committee will submit a roster of admitted applicants to CHNA President; upon the President’s approval, CHNA will issue admission notifications to the applicants.
6. Q: 什麼時候可以知道結果?(When should the applicant be informed of the final result?)
A: 甄選結果應於該年五月十五日前完成。
The whole process shall be completed by May 15 each year.
7. Q: 學分相關事宜要注意?(What should the applicant pay attention regarding credits?)
A: 入學本校之外國學生到校時,已逾該學年第一學期三分之一課程者,當學年不得入學。但研究所學生經所屬系(所)主管同意,得於第二學期註冊入學。
When an international student admitted to CHNA arrives at the campus after more than one-third of the first semester has passed, that student may not be enrolled in that academic year. Graduate students, however, may be allowed to enroll the second semester with the approval of the head of their academic department or graduate school.
1. 名額&金額 每學年擇優獎助本校外籍生共十名(含五名外籍新生),助學項目分為減免學雜費及(或)住宿本校宿舍費。
2. 申請資格 符合下列資格之一者 a. 依本校外籍學生入學辦法申請入學之新生 b. 如為本校在學之外籍生,前一學期之學業成績須各科及格,操性成績須達80分以上。
3. 申請時間 外籍新生於申請入學時一併提出獎助學金申請,二年級(含以上)外籍舊生於每學前第一學期開學後兩週內提出申請。
4. 繳交文件 A:外籍新生 a. 最高學歷之在校成績證明及名次百分比 b. 推薦函兩份 c. 其他學業及課外活動證明文件 B: 二年級以上之在校外籍舊生 a. 上一學期之學業與操性成績單 b. 導師或輔導教官之推薦函二份
申請程序及通知 a. 外籍生向研發處提出後,送本校獎助學金委員會會議審定並擇優給予 b. 外籍新生於每年五月底前通知其獎助學金審核結果 c. 本校在學外籍舊生於每年十月底前通知其獎助學金審核結果 |